助產師閒聊出現PPH 4Ts’ causes也是很自然的,
tone, trauma, tissue, thrombin很重要,要念三次。
“When evaluating a patient who is bleeding, it may be helpful to consider “the 4Ts” mnemonic device—tone, trauma, tissue, and thrombin”
Abnormal uterine tone (uterine atony) is estimated to cause 70–80% of postpartum hemorrhage and usually should be suspected first as the etiology of postpartum hemorrhage .
Maternal trauma is indicated by lacerations, expanding hematomas, or uterine rupture.
Retention of placental tissue can be readily diagnosed with manual examination or bedside ultrasonography of the uterine cavity and is addressed with manual removal or uterine curettage.
*Thrombin-撇除前述的原因,勿忘檢視凝血功能(在子癲前症或子癲症,疑似HELLP syndrome的個案身上,也須特別注意)
Thrombin is a reminder to evaluate the patient’s coagulation status and if abnormal to correct with replacement of clotting factors, fibrinogen, or other factor replacement sources.
最後,提到“living ligatures",子宮是由三種不同走向的肌肉層組合,而供給子宮血液的血管,就如同編織一樣貫穿在子宮肌肉當中,在產後的瞬間,止血的第一要務,就是使子宮肌肉收縮,可以透過肌膚接觸、寶寶吸吮乳頭、天然的催產素釋放、或是子宮按摩,讓血管們自然的被束緊閉合,正是“living ligatures"的機轉,何其重要!
Practice Bulletin No. 183: Postpartum Hemorrhage. (2017). Obstetrics & Gynecology, 130(4), e168-e186. doi:10.1097/aog.0000000000002351
Lalonde, A. and , (2012), Prevention and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage in low‐resource settings. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 117: 108-118.